New Announcement from Prime

1 min readJul 29, 2022

Hello Everyone!

As I am back, I see the overwhelming amount of support for option 3, which is great to see. I will be in constant communication over the next few days with our staff to compile the best suggestions that were added to the suggestions channel to see what we can do better. On top of that, during these discussions, I am going to get as much releasable information as possible for everyone since I know we left it at just the info in the previous announcement. I’m happy to be back to get the ball rolling. As of now, we will continue as normal.

Thanks to everyone that voted and made their suggestions known, it’s you people that keep us going. Thanks for the support and love, I will get as many answers that I can by the weekend. I will also be in chat again reading and catching up.

Love y’all! — Prime




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